Happy delivery date 5th of April 2013


I’m happy finally deliver my baby daughter on Friday 5th of April on 7.38am. Julitka (Julietta)  has now 8 days old and she is sleeping in her cot, so I would like to take advantage of time and write quick story about her birthday.
On Easter I felt first cramps so we decided to went to hospital.

5 days before birth
5 days before birth (Easter)
Winter Easter in Poland


On place I had made CTG and midwife confirm that is too early and it was false alarm. We came back to home and still waiting for signal:)

First CTG in hospital
First CTG in hospital

On Wednesday I went to my doctor to visit control and I received referral to hospital because my ctg record was little active. In hospital I have done some testing and everything was in good condition. I had control two times on day. On friday morning during the control my baby has no heart rate, so doctors quickly made a decision about cesarean section. I had quickly made a call to my husband and went into operating room. After 20 minutes our baby welcome the word in a very good condition:) My husband held our girl in his arms after delivered while the operation has been finished. I welcomed my baby few minutes after 8 pm. It was wonderful feeling touching and hug her in my arms:)

Julita 5th of April
Julita with mummy
Julita with daddy
Our sweet baby:)

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