Julitka is 8 month old and starts her day about 6 am, she get up when I’m preparing to work.
She begins the day of breastfeeding and stay at home with Daddy or she is driving to her grama, depending of father work schedule
about 8am she eats porridge 60 ml
and drink about 90-120 ml
She usually fall asleep after milk drank
She slleeps about 40 – 60 minutes
As soon as she gets up, she is very happy
Than is playing and fun time..
Then she go to walk, and she usually spleeps
about 12 pm she drinks a milk
and prepare dinner in kitchen with daddy :)
about 14pm she eats her dinner
and play time again
about 15.20 awaiting for mammy…
When I back from work I’m feeding Julita and we play and fun
In the maintime she eats crisps or other snacks
17.30 she eats dessert,
in the evening is a bath time, then she drinks a milk and goes asleep…
Sometimes she has bad moody and she complains and cry as a baby, but when she smiling everything is rewards..