Witaj Agatko:)!


Po bardzo długiej przerwie wrzucam wpis który miałam przygotowany w szpitalu jak czekałam na poród prawie 3 miesiące temu…, nowe obowiązki, nowe wyzwania i ciągłe życie w niedoczasie trochę przerosły wyobrażenia lecz pomału wszystko zaczyna

Happy delivery date 5th of April 2013


I’m happy finally deliver my baby daughter on Friday 5th of April on 7.38am. Julitka (Julietta)  has now 8 days old and she is sleeping in her cot, so I would like to take advantage

Due date is so close


My pregnacy tends to end, only 7 days to my due date, still waiting for some signal from my baby daughter when she will be ready to get out:) but she probably don’t feel ready

Time to pack hospital bag


Now I’m 5 weeks before my due date, so it the time to gather together all the essentials things needed during labour and birth. I have received list from hospital with all necessary things and started

Preparing a baby cot


Our bedroom starts to looks like children room. We have now baby cot situated at the room corner. We got them from my elder cousin:) My husband folded them and the result you can see